
In the UK, around 90,000 people die each year from what is known as a cardiac arrest. Currently around 5-6% of the people that suffer a cardiac arrest survive. When a person suffers a cardiac arrest, there heart rhythm often goes in to Ventricular Fibrillation (VF). The definitive treatment for VF is defibrillation, that is a controlled electric shock to temporarily stop the heart so that the normal rhythm can continue.

Defibrillators are becoming more common in the community and can be used by anyone. The sooner a defibrillator is used, the better the patients chance of survival. Survival rates of more than 50% have been seen when defibrillators are nearby and are used effectively. Several defibrillators are publicly available in the Fulford and District area. These are placed at the locations below and are accessible by pin code when you dial 999.

Andy’s Butchers – Hilderstone Road, Meir Heath
Blythe Bridge Library, Uttoxeter Road, Blythe Bridge
Ford’s – Grindley Lane, Blythe Bridge
Fulford Village Hall, Fulford Road, Fulford
Meir Heath and Rough Close Village Hall, Grange Road, Meir Heath
Old BT Phone Box Cresswell, Cresswell Road, Cresswell
The Greyhound, Saverley Green Road, Saverley Green (Still in use)
The Hair Room, Uttoxeter Road, Blythe Bridge
The Shoulder of Mutton, Meadow Lane, Fulford
The Swynnerton Arms, Windmill Hill, Rough Close (Red Phonebox)